Crafting a Cohesive Vision
Our writing and strategy teams packed up and headed to Oklahoma for an in-depth onsite consultation at FCC Edmond. Over the course of a weekend, we attended services, got to know congregants, hosted staff discovery sessions, and saw for ourselves what made this city so attractive to a younger demographic.
Our team saw firsthand why FCC Edmond felt so strongly about making their church brand feel more cohesive with the visuals of the art district developing around them. Geographically, they had a unique position in their city that they could reflect in their brand.
Through a close collaboration process, the ArtSpeak teams brainstormed a reimagined mission, vision, and set of core values for the church to structure around.
At the core of FCC Edmond’s heart and message is a passion to be inclusive and a pursuit to be engaged in the community. We adapted their mission statement to put active words to the impact they’re already making in Edmond:
“First Christian Church of Edmond empowers people to form spacious faith and embody Jesus’ love.”
With a clear mission, we formed their forward-reaching vision:
“We are a diverse church called to close gaps for people in our city so they can experience God’s love.”
This new language speaks to both where they’ve been and where they’re going.