Church Creatives: You Are a Gospel Communicator

Church Creatives: You Are a Gospel Communicator

Do you need to be on stage this Sunday to share the message of Jesus?

By: Kirk Hadden | Creativity featured Habits & Culture

Sharing the gospel goes beyond Sundays.

Church Creative,

You are a gospel communicator. 

You do not need to be on the stage on Sunday morning to communicate the gospel. The work that you are doing every day is communicating the gospel, and you are changing lives. The words you write, the colors you choose, the fonts, the camera angles, the lighting—you are painting a picture of Jesus to the world. 

And there are people that you can reach with that picture that are a long way from showing up on Sunday to hear a sermon. 

See, the gospel is good news. The best news. In fact, maybe even bigger and better than we thought. The good news starts with the fact there is a God, and He is kind. 

And the beauty of our relationship with God and our opportunity to be a part of the church on Earth is that God invites us into his mission, his kindness. 

And your creativity, your gifts, your talents, and your efforts are painting that picture of a God that is kind, that is exciting, that is merciful, amazing, inviting.

And there are people way out there on the outside, a long way from church, that are beginning to see a new picture of God, and taking one small step towards him.

Lives Changed,


Thank you, creative, for partnering with a creative God to change lives. 

We love church creatives and want to help you thrive no matter what happens. Here are some resources for you.

To learn how not to kill your creativity, check out our complete guide on how to kill your creativity. 

Set yourself — and the rest of your ministry — up for success: Create a church planning calendar here.

Use these practical tips to regain focus in the midst of chaos.

Work WITH God: 3 ways to rest during unrest.

And as always, if you want our team to join your team, fill out the form below for a FREE 30-minute consultation.